Our Services

Plastic surgery, whether reconstructive or cosmetic, involves intricate nuances during both the procedural and coding phases for billing and collection. Many billing services mistakenly use these terms interchangeably, leading to either claim denials or no response from payers. However, with Care CloudMED, the approach is distinct, or one might say cosmically improved. You may have observed our profound understanding of the distinctions between types or procedures of plastic surgery. With our extensive on-field experience, the likelihood of any incorrect submission, let alone denial, is eliminated. We possess the capability to differentiate between plastic surgeries covered and not covered by insurance. This ensures precise billing, allowing you to charge appropriately and entrust the rest to us.

What attributes are provided by our Medical Billing Services for Plastic Surgery?

  • Comprehensive Verification

    Highlighting the distinction between reconstructive and cosmetic surgery, we emphasize our practice of not advancing with the claim until it undergoes thorough verification for covered surgeries. This meticulous approach ensures a solid commencement to the claim cycle, setting the stage for inevitable success at its conclusion.

  • Swift Processing

    After a successful claim submission cycle, what more can you anticipate if not swift processing? This has been our guiding principle throughout our tenure in the industry, fostering an unbreakable bond with healthcare practices like yours.

  • Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)

    While it may not be essential to present it as a standalone offering, we couldn't resist doing so. This is attributed to the nature of the niche, namely plastic surgery, which encompasses intricate complexities that can only be discerned and addressed by someone with extensive exposure to the field.

  • Cost-Effectiveness

    Among the numerous advantages of outsourcing medical billing practices, a significant one is the assurance of absolute revenue collection. This encompasses the figures that were previously lost due to errors in claims preparation and submission. Ultimately, this renders outsourcing cost-effective, as your practice ensures the collection of every claim. This, in turn, boosts overall profits after accounting for deductions, including those of the plastic surgery medical billing company.


Proficient expertise in medical coding and billing for Ambulatory Surgery Centers:

  • Scar Revision
  • Reconstruction Surgery
  • Laceration Repair
  • Post-mastectomy Surgery
  • Breast Reconstruction Surgery